Bachelor of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Health Sciences (Associate to Bachelor Completion)

(NOTE: This degree plan presumes that the student has completed an AAS or equivalent.)

General Education (Bachelor of Health Science)

            Written Communication

                        EN110 English Composition I

                        EN111 English Composition II

            Oral Communication

                        CT101 Public Speaking

            Natural Sciences

                        Met in major requirements (science with a lab)

                        Met in major requirements (science with or without a lab)

            Mathematical Sciences



                        HI117, HI118, or PS101

            Social Science

                        PY101 General Psychology

                        3 hours of psychology or sociology


                        200 level Literature course

            Humanities/Fine Arts

                        RL122 Religion and the Human Adventure

                        3 hours additional Humanities/Fine Arts


Additional University Requirements

            Freshman Experience or University Orientation

CGES: CMU103 Orientation to Central Methodist University

            Upper Level Writing Course

EN305 Expository Writing

Health Science Program Requirements

Credit granted for AAS in a health related field, up to 54 hours

            Science Requirements

8-12 credit hours of Science coursework

Allied Health Requirements

AH205 Orientation to APA Format

AH212 Medical Terminology

AH316 Data Analysis for Allied Health or MA105 Elementary Statistics

AH317 Health Professions Research

            Health Science Major Requirements

HS300 Professional Practice in Healthcare
HS304 Health Care Law
HS400 Health Care Informatics
HS410 Client Education and Health Care
HS314 Insurance, Coding and Billing in Health Care
HS420 Case Studies in Managerial Integrity
HS430 Issues in Current Professional Practice
HS440 Capstone: Business Management Practicum

Last updated: 08/07/2023